Kate Crawford
Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research & Award Winning AI Author
The author of the acclaimed 2021 book Atlas of AI and co-founder of the AI Now Institute gives The Economic Club of Kansas City an urgent account about the potential consequences of artificial intelligence. Professor Crawford tells us what’s at stake as companies use AI to reshape the world. What are the far reaching implications of artificial intelligence? How will it change your business and your everyday life?
We are at a critical juncture, one that requires us to ask hard questions about the way AI is produced and adopted. We need to ask:...Whose interest does it serve and who bears the greatest harm?
Kate Crawford / Atlas of AI

Speaker Kate Crawford
Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research & Award Winning AI Author
TIME Magazine named Professor Kate Crawford as one of the 100 most influential people in AI. She’s a Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and a research professor at USC Annenberg.
She has advised policy makers in the United Nations, the White House, the European Parliament and she currently leads the Knowing Machines Project, an international research collaboration that investigates the foundations of machine learning.
New Scientist and the Financial Times named her award winning book Atlas of AI as one of the best books released in 2021.