Roger Ferguson
Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, TIAA
Is America’s desire to live in a capitalist economy waning after the major societal shifts of the pandemic? Economist and Truman Medal Honoree Roger Ferguson talks about the future of capitalism in The Economic Club of Kansas City’s 2022 “The Future of.. ” speaking series.
Clearly, we are confronting a crisis in the global capitalism’s system that has prevailed in the past 35 years. I believe the question for the future is 'What is the future of capitalism?'

Speaker Roger Ferguson
Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, TIAA
2022’s Truman Medal for Economic Policy honoree is the former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve and, most recently, the former CEO of TIAA. Dr. Ferguson is only the ninth accomplished economist to join the exclusive group of Truman Medal for Economic Policy honorees. Dr. Ferguson is one of just five black CEOs who ran Fortune 500 companies in 2021. The Harvard educated economist, who was the only Governor in Washington DC on 9/11, helped steer the country’s economy through the massive financial aftershock of September 11th. He serves on the boards of Alphabet, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Corning. Read more